Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This weekend was the Minnesota Chapter Multiple Sclerosis state convention. We, the Edina Realty "Real Estate Riders" received the Sylvie Award for raising the most team funds in 2008. We as a team raised over $112,000.00.

Thank you to Edina Realty, Mortgage, Title and Real Estate our team sponsor. Thank you to all of the MS staff and their many volunteers that made the MS150 ride so enjoyable. Thank you my family and friends who supported me in so many ways, without you we could not have made this happen. 

GOALS FOR THE 2009 REAL ESTATE RIDERS: To have 175 riders and to raise $125,000.00. We believe that both of these goals are very realistic. If you have not signed up you can go to www.realestateriders.org and click on the button that says "Join The Team". This will take you right to registration. The price to register is $30 until December 31, 2008, then the price will go up to $40. Save $10 and sign up before the price goes up!

Come on, join the team, let's ride together to fight this disease!

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