Saturday, May 29, 2010


Yesterday evening I did some mountain bike riding with a friend at Harmon Park; it was a fun time. I'm going to try to ride there at least once a week, to improve my MT biking skills. It's easy to get to and I know the trails well enough that I'm confident that I wont get lost. Plus it's big enough if I ride both the short trail and long trail twice I'll get in about 10 miles of riding.

Ticks! Yikes! I do NOT like bugs and I seriously do NOT like ticks! I pulled 5 ticks off last night after riding at Harmon Park. So I spent some time today reading about how to repel ticks. Check out this site for more information: How to repel ticks on humans
I'm going with the DEET to spray on my shoes, sox, helmet, gloves, clothes etc. and I'm going to try the mixture of eucalyptus oil and sunscreen on my skin.

I went on a 24 mile casual ride with friends this morning, it was a fantastic day for a ride. I had only planned on a 20 mile ride but when the group split up and I was heading home a fellow cyclist caught up with me and we rode together for a spell. He noticed my MS Veterans jersey and wanted to know if I was riding the MS tram this year. We chatted for a bit and I missed my turn off so I had to go to plan B to get home. It was fun chatting with him and it gave me a few extra miles.

I spent some wonderful time in the lawn chair this evening reading an Adventure cycling magazine, now I'm dreaming about my first tour. I'm planning a short tour to a local State Park. Last Wednesday I went to William O'Brien State Park to visit with some friends who were staying there. As we drove up from Stillwater to the park I kept thinking about what a great ride it would be. I have a few more items I need to get before I can tour but I'm hoping by the end of June I'll have it all together and can try my first overnight camping tour!

That's all for now, happy trails...

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